Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Papa is Good!

I recently read The Shack! What a book! Have to say that I have never cried reading a book, but I did this time. No, I sobbed! My heart was so moved by the story of a man who met God. Papa was God the Father and He revealed Himself as an older black lady. Wow! Amazing how the author put this story together and in such a way that spiritual truth was conveyed. I honestly don't understand how anyone would have a problem with such a book. So many have pre-conceived notions and understandings of what they think God is like. So many times those are misunderstandings. No matter, it is these that keep us from truly enjoying God! God is so cool and loving and amazing and if we are not careful, we will miss Him when He is standing right in front of us trying to show us something of Himself. I can see God trying to convey His heart to us in so many ways, but if we have formed a box that He doesn't fit in and doesn't speak to us the way we think He should, we will not hear Him. George Straight's song, "I Saw God Today" is an amazing song that conveys truth in it. Hmm... Go figure. God is speaking to us all the time - in a song, in a book, in a smile, in a child's face, in a stranger's voice, in nature, in stories such as The Shack. God is so much bigger than anything we can imagine and the boxes we make to stuff Him in is really our very own prison that keeps us from God. God has never and never will allow Himself to be stuffed in any box! Whether that box is well intentioned church or institution, a denomination, or any organization. God has given us so much because He loves us and wants to spend time with us. What a wonderful way to portray God as a big, older black lady who loves people and loves being with them! Wow!!! Papa is good! Always has been and always will be! Thank Papa!

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